Sutton Bonington Playgroup

Sessions & Fees

Explore our sessions, fees, and how you can support your child's learning journey with us.

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Welcome to Sutton Bonington Pre-School Playgroup

We would be delighted to have your child join us. Explore our sessions and fees, and learn how you can support your child's growth.

Sessions & Fees

Playgroup Times

Mon – Fri: 8.30am -11.30am  and 12.15pm – 3.15pm

Lunch Club: 11.30am – 12.15pm

After school session – 3.15pm-4.15pm


Hourly Rate: £8.10 (can be covered by funding)
Morning Session: £24.30 (can be covered by funding)
Afternoon Session: £24.30 (can be covered by funding)
Lunch Club: £6, After School Session: £10

We also accept payments from your childcare choices account.

Supporting Your Child

Tips for Supporting Your Child at Home

  • Make time to talk through what your child has done throughout the day. Instead of asking directly how the day was ask questions such as – What was your favourite toy to play with today? Who did you sit with at lunch?
  • Share books, songs, and games with your child.
  • Encourage your child to use pens, pencils, chalk, paints, and tools like scissors.
  • Introduce new words whenever you can.
  • Help your child recognize shapes, colors, numbers, and letters in everyday places.
  • Provide opportunities for your child to investigate and ask questions.
  • Write your child’s name and help them to recognize it.
  • Introduce counting during activities such as cooking and shopping.
  • Provide opportunities for running, climbing, and chasing!
  • Let your child enjoy and invent sounds, words, songs, music, and rhymes.
  • Listening activities really help with their development. One of our favourite activities is to go on a listening walk and see what sounds we can hear.

Kit List

Ensure your child is prepared for all activities with the following items:

  • Sensible bottom half (Leggings/trousers)
  • Sensible layers on top (Jumper and a T-Shirt)
  • Sensible footwear (no crocs or flip-flops)
  • Wellies; Waterproof coat; waterproof trousers (to stay at playgroup)
  • Sun-hat; Sun-cream (in summer); Winter hat and gloves (in Autumn/Winter, again to stay at playgroup)
  • Set of spare clothes (please ensure all clothing is named)
  • A labelled water bottle
  • A labelled packed lunch if your child is staying for lunch with us

Additional Information

Paint & Glue

The paints we use can be washed out of clothes, although some brighter colors may be difficult to remove. Glue should be rinsed out in cold water before washing.


If your child’s birthday falls on/near a playgroup day,  you are invited to bring in small cakes or biscuits. We also offer a playgroup birthday party for £25, which includes food, games, and prizes. Speak to Sarah or Natalie for more information.

Lunch Club

Lunch Club sessions run from 11.30am – 12.15pm each day and costs £6 per session. Your child can stay on an ‘ad hoc’ basis. Please check with staff on the morning for availability.

Please do not include any nuts inside packed lunches, and ensure grapes are sliced.


Please park in St Michael’s church car park. Ensure gates and doors to the playgroup are kept closed at all times. We have a buzzer system on the gate to allow access. Please ring the bell and wait and do not allow anyone to tail gate you.

Our Committee

We are run by an elected Parent Committee for our Charity Playgroup who are responsible finances, organising group outings, and all fundraising activities. We rely on parents to assist and support these events and would love to hear from you if you can help out in any way. We meet once every half term in a local setting. We’re always looking for new members!

Late Pick Up

We understand that emergencies happen, but when late pick-ups occur, it incurs a cost to the playgroup. Unless you have prior agreement, we will apply a late pick-up charge: £10 after the first 10 minutes and £5 for each additional 10 minutes after that. This charge applies to all children and will not come out of “funded” hours.

Payment Details

Fees are billed each month and invoices are issued in advance (via Ey-Log). Please note that if fees are outstanding, your child may be refused entry to playgroup. A £50 registration fee is required to secure your child’s place.

You can pay directly into the bank quoting your child’s name and the invoice number as a reference:

Bank Details:
Lloyds TSB
Account Number: 00420045
Sort Code: 30-95-21

We also accept childcare voucher schemes and government funded places are offered.

Free Funding / Government Funding

Most of our Playgroup Children are now eligible for funding of up to 30 hours a week.

Please follow the link below and talk to our Administrator for more information.

For more information, please visit:

Absence / Illness

If your child is absent, please call playgroup on 07977 545 702 by 9.30 am to let us know. If your child has an infectious disease, such as sickness or diarrhea, they should not return to playgroup until they have been clear for at least 48 hours.

Changes to Sessions

To change, increase, or reduce any sessions (including withdrawing your child), please contact our Playgroup Administrator via email at:

Please note we require a half term’s notice for any changes, to staff sessions appropriately. In some circumstances, we may be able to accommodate an ‘ad-hoc’ additional session. Please speak to staff as soon as you know which session(s) you require.

Complaints Procedure

The safety and wellbeing of all our children is of paramount importance. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our provision or require further information, please contact us or speak to a member of staff. All complaints are recorded in our complaints book.

Collecting Your Child

Please let a member of staff know who is collecting your child. If it is someone other than yourself, it is crucial that a staff member is informed. We have a password system in place and additional people can be added on to Ey-Log to authorise collecting your child. We will not let your child go without these measures being in place or with anyone under the age of 18.

If you are going to be delayed, you can contact us on 07977 545 702.


As a registered childcare provider, we have a duty to safeguard all the children and families associated with our setting. Our Safeguarding policy and procedures can be found on our website or by asking a staff member.

Website and Further Information

Please find further information and our registration forms at If you have any further questions, please email us at